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Showing posts from August, 2011

Baptism Part 2

Since I didn't manage to get a good picture of April in her dress on Sunday, I had a photo shoot with her on Monday :) I did the same thing with Chloe ~ it's just easier to get a good picture when you've got more time! This is the same dress that I wore when I was baptized! I think she was a perfect model:

April Hope's Baptism

April was baptized on Sunday and it was a family affair! It was great to have family members here to support us as parents and April as she grows up. We pray that she soon realizes her need for Jesus! Here are some pictures (I'll share pictures of her in her dress soon...after I take them today!) We had lunch after church.....Chloe couldn't wait to eat some cake.....notice the p and e in "Hope"??.... We used the opportunity to take some "Generations" pictures with April: This little girl has 3 great-grandmas! This is the Aunts pictures - Aunt Chelle and Great Aunt Nancy: We were having to pull April's fist out of her mouth while taking pictures....Michelle and I decided to pose like April for the sister's picture: You may be wondering what Chloe was doing while we were taking pictures.....Here's a few shots to help you guess: :) Only one person didn't make it in any of the pictures above....and he&#

April Hope at 4 months

Weighing in at 11 pounds, 13 ounces April is a little peanut! She's in the 95% for height (25 inches) which is a jump from the 75% at 2 she stretched out without time to fill out yet :) The doctor said he was pleased with her growth - so we're not fearful that she'll stay small forever :) April's favorite song is Row, Row, Row, Your Boat and seems to favor her crinkle-book out of her toys. She loves the swing too! She's still very interested in watching Chloe and is so close to laughing! We got her giggling pretty good the other night and it's so fun to know that the belly laugh will be next :) She is reaching and grabbing things too - which is a change from last month. April is still wonderful during tummy-time. She eats every 3 hours and sleeps well at night! We'll be starting cereal in a few more weeks :) She is a "drool-queen" and constantly has her fingers in her mouth - she wears a bib all the time! We lo

Chloe at 2

Chloe is 2 and loving life! :) She had a wonderful birthday - started with cupcakes and a present at Mommom R.'s on Thursday and ended with Mommom B and Aunt Nancy coming on Monday. We'll have some more celebrating this weekend when Kevin's side of the family comes to visit. Big items included a picnic table from Grandma and Grandpa B.....and a basketball hoop from Mom and Dad :) She's being trained to be the next Sheryl Swoops ;) oh yeah, and Michelle brought meatballs to dinner and Chloe couldn't get enough: This little girl remains the best sleeper in the house - goes to bed at 8:00 and wakes up between 8 and 8:30 in the morning. She takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon too! She likes all kinds of food and prefers orange juice over most other drinks (except milk...they are probably tied). Popsicle and "ice ice" (ice cream) are favorite desserts :) She adores her baby dolls and is always taking care of one of them. She likes for


Chloe said goodbye to her 'binkys' the day after her birthday. They are for babies! and on the 18th she said hello to her potty chair :) She initiated the process, by going on her own while I was putting April down for her nap. So, I decided to see what happens for the next week. She's doing great so far - a few accidents, but more successes.....She spends a lot of time in this little blue & green chair: and, her birthday gift from Uncle Paul is a wonderful activity to do while sitting..... We'll see who gives up first - Mommy or Chloe ;)

One Year Ago Today....

This is what our family looked like.... We found out that another sweet baby was going to join our family! And we can't imagine our lives without April Hope! :)

Feeling Blessed....

These days I'm feeling extra thankful to be the Mom of these two little ladies. Maybe enough time has past since April arrived that I feel like I know what I'm doing with two :) Chloe is a very good two-year-old and makes me laugh multiple times a day. I'm loving that she's talking more and more & putting words together - she's fun to hang out with! And April Hope is a doll-baby who is SO full of smiles! She's a joy :)

Happy 2nd Birthday Chloe!!

Happy Birthday Chloe Grace! You are an absolute joy to be around and growing up so fast! We pray that you continue to have a smiling face and keep your love of learning and exploring :) We love you!! August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011

Camping Trip

This past weekend we traveled to Cook Forest to camp with Grandma and Grandpa B, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Bill, Aunt Laura, and Connor. It was fantastic! Chloe and April both did great (well, I guess everyone was a little crabby the last day, but it was alright) and we had lots of things to keep us busy. Got to keep the babies warm at night! Chloe had these very appropriate camo-jammies from Uncle Paul to keep her cozy: and Connor looked too cute in his little hat: Friday we set out (minus Laura and Connor because of naptime) for a hike through the woods and an attempt to find Longfellow....the tallest tree in the forest: Bill thought this might be Longfellow: Family of Four! :) All the trees were huge - look at the roots of this one that had fallen! And, it's about as wide as Chloe is tall!! Back at camp in the afternoon we headed to the pool....and hung out with these goofy people: Saturday morning brought another trip to the forest to vis