We love camping with our dear friends and this year's trip proved why we kept camping with toddlers - now everyone is out of diapers and no naps were taken!
Saturday morning breakfast entertainment (but it only lasted for 2 songs because we told them it was against the rules of camping). How many little faces around one tiny little phone! :)
The big girls were working hard during the weekend on their Fairy Village. It turned out really well and the details were sweet.
This boy didn't sit still much. He was riding, scooting, digging in the dirt. He loved every minute.
Saturday afternoon we went on the longest-two-mile-hike. Ha! Even to the adults it felt like a really long 2 mile trail, but we survived!! Here are the eager hikers - we should have taken an after picture ;)
Who doesn't bring a ukulele camping?! We had musical accompaniment to our Sunday service. Then the older kids planned "Sunday School" in the back of the truck for the "preschool class". Chloe and Leah taught a lesson on Noah's Ark. Avery and April prepared a snack. There was even a bathroom break and a game!
We can't wait for the next annual trip! :)