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Connor's Visit Part 1

You've seen the video of our Sunday evening with Connor - my parents came down for pizza and playing, and these three had a ball. 

Connor usually comes to our house around holidays, and that doesn't afford too much playing time. His requests on Sunday night before bed were "vaccuming" and "playing downstairs".  Easy peasy! That's what we did on Monday...

Monday night we had dinner and then went to my parents church to play.  Connor got a little over-heated that night, so Tuesday we made sure he kept cool: 

The next popular request was "go to the dancing library"....which means, he wanted to go to a class at our library.  He didn't dance....

but he did have fun at the train table!

Wednesday morning we went to church for my Bible Study, and then later in the evening, Connor was reunited with his Mom!! :) 

We've been talking about doing this since the spring, and Wednesday night it happened: Going to see Mrs. J.'s horse.  We didn't know how it would go, but we kept telling the kids that the horse was "as big as the van" :) 

Chloe and me meeting Strough (not the one we rode)

April meeting Tex (the one we rode)

So, we were brave! Everyone rode the horse!!

and, then everyone rode BY THEMSELVES. The parents couldn't believe it :)  Neither could the kids :)

Also, there were chickens.  Who liked to eat clover.  And little children who don't care how hot it is and run around like crazy ;)

Connor's Visit Part 2 (including birthdays!) coming soon!!


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