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Memorial Day Weekend

We arrived at Aunt Laura and Uncle Bill's house and hit the ground running....

After dinner it was piano time...

Then, April got to open some belated birthday gifts from Mimi and Poppop (which we picked up on our way, even though they weren't home!)

After working on the new puzzles, Aunt Laura did some reading to help everyone settle down for bed.

See this Squirt that April has? It was lent to her by Laura, in an effort to put her in the pack-n-play to sleep.  Even this lovely turtle couldn't keep April in there.  She ended up sleeping on the floor with the mat from the playpen.  Seriously, I can't blame her much...I mean, two years old means she's too big for a pack-n-play :) 

There was much excitement about going with Aunt Laura to church-band-practice....which was followed up by yard sale-ing and a visit to Aunt Michelle's place.  Don't worry, Bill and Kevin stayed busy by going fishing :)

We met up for lunch at a local hot-dog place, played outside and then headed in for naps.  After naps it was ribs for dinner (delicious!) and then to the park.  Earlier in the day it was very windy, but the kite didn't do so well this day (we tried the next, and it was great!) so we spent most of the time on the playground.  I have a picture like this from October....they have grown a little :)

After a full day, why not head back home for a fire, smores....

and chemistry demos by Uncle Bill! :)

Big grins before church on Sunday:

Laura, Michelle, and I went to the outlets on Sunday afternoon while Kevin and Bill stayed home with the sleeping kiddos.  For dinner, we went to a local park and had a cookout.  While the charcoal was warming up, the kite was tried again and it was a success!!

for a little perspective, this is Chloe holding the kite :)

After dinner, fishing (for a photo op, really) happened....

And this happened....which has been the most talked about event of the whole trip (by Chloe).  She got to hold Cinnamon's leash.  Aunt Michelle, you have no idea how thrilling this was for her! :)

We stayed for the concert in the park - which was a jazz band...but they started with the Star Spangled Banner.  My sister Laura might be the most patriotic person I know - she LOVES America.  I guess her boy is following in her footsteps, because LOOK AT THIS ...I LOVE it :)

This also happened during the concert....dancing.  Which was adorable and also really funny :)

Monday morning, we literally dragged our girls out of bed to get ready for a parade.  I looked at April - who was standing in front of me with jammies still on, hair in her face and said "We're going to a parade, April!"....she said "And it's going to be fun?" :)  By the time we got there, everyone was awake and ready to cheer!

This might be Connor's Best Moment Ever. :)  Very exciting stuff!

Proof that the sisters were together :) I cried when we pulled out of the driveway.  Miss them, and jealous that they live close together....


Elizabeth said…
Looks like such a fun weekend! Yey for family time!
Anonymous said…
I miss you all the time! But I will always love you more! :) "thanks for coming out"

Love, Michelle
Laura said…
We wish you were here with us too - can't Kevin just phone in for work? ;) We had a fun visit - I don't think we could have done anything else with the time we had! Come back soon! :)

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