On Sunday April turned 5 months old! She is growing and growing. She learned how to roll from her back to her belly two weeks ago and it still surprises me to find her in a different position than when I left her!
Also on Sunday, April tried cereal for the first time. Her face shows how she felt about it:
The second time (on Monday) went a lot better! She actually consumed some that time :)
She is 'growling' a lot these days - and doing her normal 'talking' too. Aunt Laura got her to laugh, but normally we get a lot of squeals from her - and smiles aren't hard to come by either!
She eats 6 times a day, waking up at 8 in the morning and going to sleep for the night (except one feeding) at 8:30. She's a happy baby most of the time!
Love to her and her family,
Aunt Susan